Agile Astros - Fitness Training Game

"A mental-meets-physical obstacle course inspired by Astronaut Training Programs. ISRO is preparing for its First Human Flight to Space. "

Cognitive Development
Creativity and Imagination
Socio-Emotional Skills
Motor Skills - Gross
Product details
Card & Board Games, Fun & Bonding Games
3 - 5 Years, 5 - 8 Years

"A mental-meets-physical obstacle course inspired by Astronaut Training Programs ISRO is preparing for its First Human Flight to Space. And astronaut training is a pretty important aspect for the success of this flight. Being (very, very) inspired by this, we've developed Agile Astros; a game, a treasure hunt, an obstacle course, which includes activities and exercises from real world astronaut training programs! Agile Astros is a portable, set-it-up yourself sort of obstacle course! It combines IQ & Physical tasks which are both challenging, and fun. Agile Astros is for your kids, for you, for the entire family. On the off chance that ISRO comes around looking for astronauts, might as well be ready for them, eh?"

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