Countries Currency Sudoku

Country Currency sudoku is pattern based sudoku focusing on the flags of nine countries Australia ,New Zealand , USA ,Canada , South Africa ,India ,South Africa , UK and Japan.

Cognitive Development
Socio-Emotional Skills
Logical and Mathematical
Product details
I learn I Grow
Learning & Education, Puzzle & IQ Toys, Fun & Bonding Games
5 - 8 Years, 8 - 12 Years

Sudoku is played on a grid of 9 x 9 spaces. Within the rows and columns are 9 “squares” . Each row, column and square (9 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the countries currency, without repeating any currencies within the row, column or square BENEFITS 1. Learning about the country currencies. 2. It increases their mental ability as well as focus on each and every part of the puzzle. 3. This game has something to learn so it promotes healthy competition among children’s and improves problem-solving skills. 4. It improves their thinking ability and concentration level. 5. It serves as a guide to help them understand and analyze the difference between the whole and the part. BOX CONTAINS : A Wooden Board , Cutouts for sudoku

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